Sunday, August 4, 2013

Drive back to Santiago

Pedro picked us up promptly at the scheduled time of 11am. Breakfast was significantly more crowded but also meant a few more options.

We got a great tour of the Vino de Mar city that is just north of Valpo. Quite a different feel to that city, and it changes on a dime as you cross the city line. He showed us a museum where they had an authentic Easter Island statue.

After heading inland and then back down to the coastal area, we stopped at the world's largest swimming pool and walked on the beach.

Apparently the area is quite the resort town for the Chileans, but the Pacific ocean isn't ideal to swim in there due to swift currents and sharp drop-offs, so they built a large swimming pool. It is so large, that you can see it in satellite photos and apparently you can rent sailboats! As this was winter and mid-week, the place was deserted. There were about eight large buildings filled with condos, so it appeared that there could be thousands of people there when it was filled.

We bypassed poet Pablo Neruda's Isla Negro home and decided that it was a bit too grey of a day to visit, so we continued on to the village of Pomaire, known for its pottery. As we walked the streets, we saw some pottery making (lots of piggy banks), bread baking, some relatively poor copyright infringements of Disney stuff, and Anna found a beautiful scarf for her souvenir.

We drove back to Santiago and checked back in to the hotel El Bosque where all of our ski luggage had been stored for the trip.

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